Idaho Genealogical Society

Moving Forward in 2025!

2024 was an eventful year for the Idaho Genealogical Society, and we hope you have enjoyed the addition of informative programs at monthly meetings as well as the return of the Society's Annual Meeting (with three great presentations). More great things are in store in 2025.

Genealogical Help Sessions are new this year. We are holding one on April 12 and will do it again in November if the April session is a success. We thought this might be a way we could help with "brick walls" you're hitting your head against as you try to fill out your pedigree chart and/or Family Group Sheet. Send us your questions in advance and we'll try to solve them and report our progress in the April 12 meeting. Click the Details button under  Monthly Meetings for more information.

Newly added
- Exchanges with local and other States' Genealogical Societies. We offer copies of our Newsletters to them in exchange for copies of their newsletters to share with our members. Check out the new Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society Newsletters Page in the Members Only section.

If you have friends or family who have an interest in genealogy, we encourage you to invite them to join us in 2025. You'll find the current application form on the Join Us page.


The Idaho Genealogical Society meets the second Saturday each month from noon to 2:00 pm, except June (Summer Break), October (Annual Meeting), and December (Holiday Break). Meetings are held at the Idaho State Archives (Idaho History Center), 2205 Old Penitentiary Rd, Boise. Zoom attendance is also available (see below).

SATURDAY, April 12, 2025
Genealogical Help Session
Come and learn how our Research Committee tackled "brick walls" that were submitted in advance (before March 12th). If time permits, additional questions will be considered during the meeting.

SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025
Topic: Genealogical Research Using Railroad Records
Speaker: Kim S. Harrison

SATURDAY, June 12, 2025
No meeting - Summer Vacation - See you in July.


All monthly meeting presentations are free and open to the public, both in person and via Zoom. Society members receive meeting notifications that include the pertinent Zoom information. Non-members may request the Zoom link during the week each meeting is held by sending an email to Zoom requests must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. (Mountain Time) on the day of the meeting.

The Society's Board Meetings are held on the same day as its monthly meetings and are also open to anyone who would like to participate. These meetings begin at 10:30AM. If attending via Zoom, use the same Zoom information as for the monthly meeting presentation.